
Tree Services

While the list below is not complete, here you will find descriptions of the services I provide most often. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Spikeless Pruning
Spikeless Pruning

A proper pruning technique use for any type of tree trimming practices other than removals. Spikes are damaging to trees and should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Tree Felling
Timber Felling

An art learned over many years of work. A skillful practice we use often. Safely and directionally felling trees.

Tree Removal
Tree Removal

An integral part of a tree services arsenal. From safety to tree stand health. Removals are a necessary component to what we do.

Crane-assisted Tree Removal
Crane-assisted Tree Removal

For those situations that benefit from support from above, I employ a crane to ensure safe tree removal.

Fire Clearance
Fire Clearance

Creating a defensible space involves both removal of vegetation and limbing up trees. This protects from spread of ground fire as well as its transition to the canopy above.

Property Restoration
Property Restoration

Brushing and limbing are key to a healthy, beautiful, and safe forest.


When a customer has use for mulch, I employ my chipper. This provides many uses and comes directly from your land.

Service Area
Service Area

Based centrally in McCloud, California and serving all of Siskiyou County and Shasta County.